How Buying A Book Can Be A Form Of Activism

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I’m starting this blog by asking you to buy a book (a book that will help you earn more money) but I’m ending it asking you to help me support a woman on her climb to the top. We Should All Be Millionaires will help you change your attitude about money, earning more, and ways to build wealth. It’s written by the amazing Rachel Rodgers. She’s a CEO, self-made millionaire, mother of four, and she also happens to be a Black woman. There are very few books on wealth written by Black authors (almost none).

Here’s the thing. I’ve only been able to read a special sneak peak of a chapter in the book (which was amazing!). So…I’m asking you to pre-order a book I’ve never read.

Here’s why it’s important to support Rachel and pre-order the book instead of just buying it when it comes out.

  • Lots of pre-orders means that big brands (like Target) take notice and feature this book prominently on their shelves.

  • A flood of pre-orders also means that we’ll have a really solid chance of getting this book onto the NY Times Bestseller List.

  • And, it boosts the book’s visibility on Amazon charts and other places, too.

And here’s why I see pre-ordering this book as an act of activism. I believe in promoting diverse talent across industries from photography to wealth management. But like lots of other white people, many of the authors and leaders that I follow in those spaces are other white people. Now, I didn’t intentionally go out and only follow white leaders but the reality is that they are often more visible in the spaces that I am. And I want to help change that so that I can learn from talented, diverse leaders from across the world.

And if I truly belief in equality and an equitable future for all of us, then I believe that I need to actively do things like decolonize my reading lists , diversify the types of leaders that I follow as an entrepreneur, and pay from products and services from those leaders. That’s why I’ve pre-ordered two copies of Rachel’s book.

I’m asking you to do the same. The book is under twenty-five dollars, but by purchasing it you can help Rachel sit on the top of the NY Times Bestseller’s list, exactly where she belongs. Let’s support Rachel and her incredible mission of helping more women achieve 7 figures. Because…we should all be millionaires!

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