Services for Changemaking Entrepreneurs
STory Clarity Session
Do you need help crafting a story for a specific purpose? Maybe you’re delivering a master talk, running a workshop, being a guest on a podcast, or taking the TED stage. A story (when told right) builds connection between you and other people, it’s the quickest way to get them to know, like and trust you. Let’s excavate the perfect story for your event and make sure it’s crafted in a way that will stick with others days later.
The Stories Basic Plus+
Does your homepage clearly lay out what you do? Does it focus on your clients and what they need? Or is it only focused on you?
A storied homepage makes you the helpful guide to your client. It shows them how you solve their problems and make their life easier. It’s the quickest way to build connection around your mission and convert your ideal clients.
My Stories Basic Plus+ includes:
The Basics Package and…
A wire-frame (or re-design) of your homepage incorporating the story behind your brand.
Copy that tells your clients exactly what you do and what you want them to do.
Curated images that speak directly to your target audience.
A story-based freebie to share with your clients.
Packages start at 5,000 USD.
Schedule a consultation or email Crystaline for more info.
The Story BasicS
Do you struggle to speak concisely about your work in the world? Every changemaker needs clear messaging around their brand and language that feels natural to them. Let’s get clear on your brand message.
My Story Basics Package Includes:
A one-sentence story that clarifies what you do and who you do it for.
A clear, brand guide for brand language and imagery.
The Story Based Website
Is your current website filled with big words, qualifications, and lots of industry jargon? Let’s shift it together to show clients that you’re a human who understands them and can solve a big problem that they are facing. They’re the hero, and you are the helpful guide who can help support them.
Great stories humanize brands. Every changemaking entrepreneur needs a website that builds trust, solves problems, and adds value for their clients.
The Story Based Website includes:
The Basics+ Package and….
Interior Website Copywriting (4 website pages)
Interior Website Photo Curation
Onboarding email sequence (5 emails)
Packages start at 10,000 USD.
Schedule a consultation or email Crystaline for more info.